Tone Tags

last update: .1 april 2023.
current number of main tags: .326.
current number of extra tags: .3.
current number of words/phrases: .287.

Tone indicators, also known as tone tags, are used to indicate/convey the tone of whatever message you're writing. Some people have a hard time picking up tone, and communicating through text can make that even harder due to the lack of physical clues. Tone tags are used to help with that. Do not use tone tags wrong intentionally or as a joke or whatever, that defeats the whole purpose.This carrd is basically a massive list of tone indicators I've found/been told about, and it's most likely not all of the tone tags in existence.The carrd kinda just gets updated when I find new tags, and it also kinda functions as an archive for tone tags so keep an eye out for updates. Update dates, current amount of words/phrases, and current amount of tags are always at the bottom of the home page.You definitely don't have to use all of the tags here so please don't feel forced to. Some might not be helpful for you personally or for anyone you talk to and that's totally ok! Just be respectful if someone needs you to use more or certain tags with them.home

As far as using tone tags goes, you can in theory use as many as you want at the end of a sentence. Whatever feels the best for getting your point across. For example, you could say:"Woah, that's really cool! /g /srs"or you could say:"You're literally the stupidest person I've ever met. /lhj"You could also put tone tags at the beginning of your post/message if it's something that could cause alarm.home

Common Tags (non alphabetical, sectioned)These are tone tags you will see used more commonlyback to home

/g or /gengenuine
/gq or /gen or /genqgenuine question
/rh or /rt or /ret or /rtqrhetorical question
/hsrshalf serious
/nsrsnot serious
/s or /sar or /sarcsarcasm
/hjhalf joking
/lhjlight hearted joke
/lhlight hearted
/nbhnobody here
/sbhsomebody here
/nbsnobody specific
/a or /affaffectionate
/p or /pl or /platplatonic
/qpqueer platonic
/x or /sx or /xxxsexual intent
/nx or /ns or /nsxno sexual intent
/pc or /pospositive connotation
/nc or /negnegative connotation
/nfnot forced
/nmnot mad
/l or /ly or /lyrlyrics
/c or /copycopypasta

Masterlist (alphabetical)
Click here for the sectioned version
A few of the words in the "Meaning" column are underlined, should you need it, those links will take you to a definition. Click here for the starred tags.back to home

/a or /affaffectionate
/a or /arsalterous
/aesaesthetic (attraction)
/amactually mad
/amhat my headmates
/anx or /anxianxious
/aoan order
/ap or /apoapology
/apa or /apathapathetic
/ara rant
/attask to tag*
/ava vent
/ayat you
/bbitter or bantering
/c or /copycopypasta
/cfccensored for comfort
/cicaring intent
/cjcoping joke
/co or /concconcerned
/co or /cfcomforting
/com or /compcomplaining
/cu or /cur or /curicurious
/cwhcoping with humor
/daydirected at you
/dkmdon't kill me*
/dncdo not comment
/dnido not interact
/dr or /nrdo not reply
/e or /embembarrassed
/ebheverybody here
/ethempty threat
/ex or /fex(for) example
/fm or /famfamilial
/fosfigure of speech
/frjfriendly joking
/frtfriendly teasing
/g or /gengenuine
/gc or /gencgenuine confusion
/genapgenuine apology
/gene or /genepgenuine explanation
/gent or /gentlegentle or gently
/grq or /genrqgenuine request
/gsgeneral statement
/gs or /gens or /gensg or /gensugggenuine suggestion
/gq or /gen or /genqgenuine question
/gygeneral you
/hhelpful intent
/havhalf a vent
/hjhalf joking
/hjovhalf jokingly overreacting
/hjprhalf jokingly prideful
/hlhhalf light hearted
/hprhalf prideful
/hshalf sarcastic
/hsdhalf self depricating
/hsrshalf serious
/hthalf teasing
/hy or /hyb or /hyphyperbole
/ijinside joke
/imoin my opinion
/in or /infoinformation*
/irr or /irreirrelevant
/isysin system
/iycif you're comfortable
/javjust a vent
/jijoking insult
/jkjust kidding
/jovjokingly overreacting
/jprjokingly prideful
/jqjoke question
/jsjust saying
/jwjust wondering
/l or /ly or /lyrlyrics
/lhlight hearted
/lhjlight hearted joke
/lhslight hearted sarcasm
/lma little mad
/lua little upset
/lwa little worried
/m or /madmad
/m or /metmetaphor(ical)
/mamessing around or manifesting
/mhlymisheard lyrics
/mjmajor joke* or mostly joking
/msmostly sarcastic
/msrsmostly serious
/n or /neuneutral connotation
/nanot aggressive or angry
/naanot asking anyone or not at anyone
/naahnot at anyone here
/nabrnot a brag
/nafxnot a flex
/nainot an insult
/namnot actually mad
/naonot an order
/naqnot a question
/narnot a rant
/naunot actually upset
/navnot a vent
/naynot at you
/nbnot bad
/nbhnobody here
/nbrnot being rude
/nbsnobody specific
/nbvnot being violent
/nbyknobody you know
/ncnot condescending
/nc or /negnegative connotation
/ncbnot clickbait
/ncmnot comparing or not competing
/ndaahnot directed at anyone here
/nfnot forced or not fake
/nflnot flirting
/nftanot forced to answer
/ngtnot guilt tripping
/nhnot hostile
/nhypnot a hyperbole
/njnot joking
/nlinot literal
/nm or /nmunot mad/upset
/nmaynot mad at you
/npnot pushing, no pressure, or no problem
/npanot passive aggressive
/npino pun intended
/nprnot prideful
/nptfnot pushing to front
/nrno reply
/nsnot sarcasm or not sad or not sure
/ns or /nx or /nsxno sexual intent
/nsb or /nstnot subtweeting
/nsdnot self depricating
/nsrsnot serious
/nsrsqnot serious question
/nsudoesn't want/need support
/nt or /nthnot a threat
/ntarnot targeted
/nvnon verbal or not venting
/nynot yelling
/nyfnot your fault
/ob or /obsobservation
/od or /odraoverdramatic
/of or /otoff topic
/osysout of system/not in system
/otiok to interact
/otlok to laugh
/otrok to ask for reassurance
/ovt or /ovthoverthinking
/p or /pl or /platplatonic
/papassive aggressive
/pc or /pospositive connotation
/pfplayful or platonic flirting
/piplease interact or pun intended
/plplease laugh
/pmplayfully mad
/prprideful or parental
/qquote or question
/qjquarter joking
/qpqueer platonic
/ratrandom thought
/rcreality check
/rh or /rt or /ret or /rhe or /rtqrhetorical question
/s or /sar or /sarcsarcasm
/sannslightly annoyed
/sb or /sbtwsubtweeting
/sbhsomebody here
/sdself depricating
/senssensual intent
/sg or /sugsuggestion
/stself teasing or source talk
/st or /statestatement
/st or /stimstim(ming)
/svsemi verbal or soft vent
/sw or /switchswitch
/tfj¾ joking
/th or /thrthreat
/thjjokingly threatening
/tqtyping quirk
/tsto self
/tsncthere is no context
/ttmstalking to myself
/tystyping stim
/u or /up or /upsupset
/uilusing i lightly
/unr or /unreunrelated
/v or /vaguevague
/vannvery annoyed
/vmvery mad
/vnegvery negative
/vposvery positive
/vsrsvery serious
/vtvocal stim
/vuvery upset
/vwvery worried
/w or /wd or /wor or /worrworried
/wcwith consent
/wsuwants or needs support
/x or /sx or /xxxsexual intent
/! or /e or /exc or /exciexcited
/? or /con or /confconfused
/?!excited or surprised question

Sectioned Version (alphabetical)
Click here for the masterlist
A few of the words in the "Meaning" column are underlined, should you need it, those links will take you to a definition. Click here for the starred tags.back to home
Genuine and Serious

/g or /gengenuine
/gc or /gencgenuine confusion
/genapgenuine apology
/gene or /genepgenuine explanation
/grq or /genrqgenuine request
/gs or /gens or /gensg or /gensugggenuine suggestion
/gq or /gen or /genqgenuine question
/hsrshalf serious
/msrsmostly serious
/nlinot literal
/nsrsnot serious
/nsrsqnot serious question
/vsrsvery serious

Jokes, Sarcasm, and Other Overlaps

/cjcoping joke
/frjfriendly joking
/frtfriendly teasing
/hjhalf joking
/hjovhalf jokingly overreacting
/hjprhalf jokingly prideful
/hlhhalf light hearted
/hprhalf prideful
/hshalf sarcastic
/hthalf teasing
/ijinside joke
/jijoking insult
/jkjust kidding
/jovjokingly overreacting
/jprjokingly prideful
/jqjoke question
/lhlight hearted
/lhjlight hearted joke
/lhslight hearted sarcasm
/mamessing around
/mjmajor joke* or mostly joking
/msmostly sarcastic
/njnot joking
/npino pun intended
/nprnot prideful
/nsnot sarcasm
/pipun intended
/qjquarter joking
/s or /sar or /sarcsarcasm
/stself teasing
/tfj¾ joking
/thjjokingly threatening


/a or /affaffectionate
/a or /arsalterous
/aesaesthetic (attraction)
/fm or /famfamilial
/nflnot flirting
/p or /pl or /platplatonic
/pfplatonic flirting
/qpqueer platonic


/ap or /apoapology
/ara rant
/attask to tag*
/ava vent
/ayat you
/com or /compcomplaining
/daydirected at you
/dkmdon't kill me*
/dncdo not comment
/dnido not interact
/dr or /nrdo not reply
/ebheverybody here
/fosfigure of speech
/gsgeneral statement
/gygeneral you
/havhalf a vent
/iycif you're comfortable
/javjust a vent
/jsjust saying
/nanot aggressive or angry
/naanot asking anyone or not at anyone
/naahnot at anyone here
/nainot an insult
/narnot a rant
/navnot a vent
/naynot at you
/nbnot bad
/nbhnobody here
/nbrnot being rude
/nbsnobody specific
/nbyknobody you know
/ncbnot clickbait
/ndaahnot directed at anyone here
/nfnot forced
/nftanot forced to answer
/ngtnot guilt tripping
/npnot pushing, no pressure, or no problem
/nrno reply
/nsnot sure
/nsb or /nstnot subtweeting
/ntarnot targeted
/nvnot venting
/nynot yelling
/nyfnot your fault
/otiok to interact
/otlok to laugh
/otrok to ask for reassurance
/piplease interact
/plplease laugh
/sb or /sbtwsubtweeting
/sbhsomebody here
/st or /statestatement
/svsoft vent
/tsto self
/tsncthere is no context
/ttmstalking to myself
/v or /vaguevague
/wsuwants or needs support

Intent and Connotation

/amactually mad
/anx or /anxianxious
/apa or /apathapathetic
/cicaring intent
/co or /concconcerned
/co or /cfcomforting
/cu or /cur or /curicurious
/e or /embembarrassed
/ethempty threat
/gent or /gentlegentle or gently
/hhelpful intent
/hsdhalf self deprecating
/hy or /hyb or /hyphyperbole
/lma little mad
/lua little upset
/lwa little worried
/m or /madmad
/n or /neuneutral connotation
/namnot actually mad
/naunot actually upset
/nbvnot being violent
/ncnot condescending
/nc or /negnegative connotation
/ncmnot comparing or not competing
/nhnot hostile
/nhypnot a hyperbole
/nm or /nmunot mad/upset
/nmaynot mad at you
/npanot passive aggressive
/nsnot sad
/ns or /nx or /nsxno sexual intent
/nsdnot self depricating
/nsunot supportive
/nt or /nthnot a threat
/od or /odraoverdramatic
/papassive aggressive
/pc or /pospositive connotation
/pmplayfully mad
/sannslightly annoyed
/sdself deprecating
/senssensual intent
/th or /thrthreat
/u or /up or /upsupset
/vannvery annoyed
/vmvery mad
/vnegvery negative
/vposvery positive
/vuvery upset
/vwvery worried
/w or /wd or /wor or /worrworried
/wcwith consent
/x or /sx or /xxxsexual intent
/! or /e or /exc or /exciexcited
/? or /con or /confconfused
/?!excited or surprised question

System Exclusive

/amhat my headmates
/isysin system
/iwinner world*
/nptfnot pushing to front
/osysout of system/not in system
/stsource talk
/sw or /switchswitch
/uilusing i lightly


/aoan order
/c or /copycopypasta
/cfccensored for comfort
/cwhcoping with humor
/ex or /fex(for) example
/imoin my opinion
/in or /infoinformation*
/irr or /irreirrelevant
/jwjust wondering
/l or /ly or /lyrlyrics
/m or /metmetaphor(ical)
/mhlymisheard lyrics
/nabrnot a brag
/nafxnot a flex
/naonot an order
/naqnot a question
/nfnot fake
/nvnon verbal
/ob or /obsobservation
/of or /otoff topic
/ovt or /ovthoverthinking
/qquote or question
/ratrandom thought
/rcreality check
/rh or /rt or /ret or /rhe or /rtqrhetorical question
/sg or /sugsuggestion
/st or /stimstim
/svsemi verbal
/tqtyping quirk
/tystyping stim
/unr or /unreunrelated
/vtvocal stim

I've seen some tags made/commonly used by twitter users just for fun so I thought I'd make a fun little list of them as I come across themback to home


/att (ask to tag) - basically saying ask the person for a tone tag if you need one or think one should be added for clarification/cont (continued) - whatever is being said is continued in the next post, comment, etc./dkm (don't kill me) - used with some opinions or jokes/in or /info (information) - used when coining a (typically lgbtq+) term or when discussing info/iw (inner world) - used by systems when referring to their inner worlds/key (keysmash) - used to differenciate between a keysmash & a code/mj (major joke) - used like /j but with more emphasis/safe - not really a tone indicator, it's just saying that the thread or post doesn't have like gore or anything in it/slur - words that aren't actually slurs but are jokingly treated as such/sys (system) - for systems only; used when saying something that's not directed at anyone outside of the system/tic - used when something was typed accidentally because of a ticback to masterlist
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